Monday, December 14, 2015

If you've been praying...

I have a few updates. 
First of all, Matthew and I have found an affordable place that will be ready mid January. And God is providing what we need for it. 
We are so excited for this. 
But my parents said we have to be out of their house by Christmas Day. 
Also, my mom, who was supposed to be watching my children while I go to work until Matthew gets home is now not coming back to watch them. So I have to quit my job. We only have one car so I'll have no way to get to work and I will have no one to watch the kids. 
So please pray for that. Also, we won't be spending Christmas with any family. So please pray for that as well. 
And if you need prayer, comment below and let me know how us Reilly's can be praying for you during this holiday season. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Baby boy #2

Words can't describe the joy I feel knowing that God has blessed us with another baby!! We couldn't be more excited. 
But can I be honest about something? When I found out, I was terrified. I instantly though of how upset my family would be. And the negative comments and feedback Matthew and I would receive by many people, family members and non family members. 
My heart filled with fear of what OTHERS would think of me. I honestly just wanted to wait to tell anyone until the baby was here. Even then, I really just wanted to hide it forever. 
I called Matthew to tell him because he was out of town. I sent him a picture of the test and I told him how happy I was. But as I sat there in the bathroom, alone, I began to cry. Fear crept into my heart and mind and I wondered how I'd have the strength to take care of three children all under the age of 3. I wondered if anyone would be happy for us. And I wondered if this was truly God's plan for us and for me. Time went by and I made a doctors appointment. 
Fast forward to November 27. We went in to have an ultra sound since I had no idea when I got pregnant. The technician put the wand on my abdomen and I saw a face. Now this is my third pregnancy and I knew that wasn't an early face. She immediately took it off and said something like you're over 12 weeks pregnant. We need to reschedule your sonogram. She went to go talk to her supervisor and me and Matthew waited. They rescheduled it for Monday. 
I went in Monday and I was by myself. We did the measurements and she estimated me to be around 20 weeks and 5 days! I couldn't believe it. Then she told me it was a boy and I was so excited!! I totally wanted another boy!
I then realized that I was on birth control in July when I got pregnant. And then I understood why I lost my milk supply while breastfeeding Elianna. And then it hit me. This baby really was sent to us by God! He gave us this baby even when I was on birth control!! 
I must say that no one in our family seems very excited for us.
But that's ok with me. I'm here to please one person only and that's Jesus. Matthew and I may not have 5 years between each child or have a bunch of money saved up in the bank. All I know is that God has a plan and His plan is good. 
No baby is a mistake or an accident. I believe 100% that He sent us this little boy. And I couldn't be more happy! 
Thank you Lord! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

New pictures of the babies

In the midst of all the chaos we've been going through, I must say that our children are a huge blessing. We are so thankful for them and the joy they bring to our lives! 
Malachi is 2 now! And he's such a fun boy. He's full of energy, and he loves cars!! 
Elianna is a week away from being 10 months old! She loves to explore and crawl around and she loves her big brother!! 

These two are a joy and they bring so much light into my life! And Matthews of course! 

Prayer Please

Hi friends,
It's been so long since I've written! Life has been crazy and busy and I honestly haven't felt like writing in awhile. 
Matthew and I moved to Moneta, VA. About 3 hours away from where we both grew up. Northern VA was really expensive and we just really needed a fresh start. 
My parents offered to let us stay in their house at the lake which has been a huge blessing. But it has taken a lot longer then we ever thought it would. We have bills that we had to get caught up on and it took about 3 months for Matthew to get a full time job. But praise God, he got hired last week by a plumbing company in Roanoke which is about 40 minutes from us. And I work at a restaurant called Jonathan's. So praise God!
But there's something weighing heavy on my heart and we really need some prayer. Matthew and I have a few credit cards that we used and we are now in debt along with an unpaid electrical bill and medical bills from having Elianna. 
We just really need prayer that God would lead us in the right direction and provide the means for us to pay off our debt. We will be starting a debt management plan with a place called Trinity Debt Management. It's a faith based program that helps you pay your debt. We are so thankful to have found them. 
Things seem to be taking a lot longer then we thought they would. But I have to remember that God's timing isn't ours. His plans and His purpose goes beyond what I could ever imagine. And that gives me hope. Just this morning as I lay here praying and worrying about our future, He softly whispers Phillipians 4:6-7 to my heart. 
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
He is my peace! I don't have to be anxious because He is in control. Thank you Jesus. 
I hope this encourages someone today. God is there. He's in control and His plan is perfect as well as His timing.