Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April is...

Such a neat month for me! It is my birthday month and Cesearean Section Awareness Month! As many of you know, I've had two c sections.
Both were unplanned and very unexpected. With Malachi I went in for an induction and I stopped contracting and progressing at 3cm. We could have gone longer but I chose to have a C-section. This second time I labored for 4 days with Elianna. I had contractions coming every two minutes for 4 days. I couldn't sleep or eat or drink. My body was exhausted. I went to see my doctor on the 4th day and I had dropped 4 pounds. So I said I wanted another c-section. For awhile I really struggled with not being able to have a vaginal birth. But now I'm proud to say that I have moved passed that and I'm so happy that I birthed my babies the way that I did. And I'm not any less of a mom because I didn't give birth vaginally. I'm strong and still a mom! That's what God says to me.
Here's a picture of my scar and my two beautiful babies who helped put it there:D

My scar

Malachi Wayne's birthday- 10/02/2013

Elianna Myra's birthday- 02/09/2015

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