Thursday, September 18, 2014

Becoming An Understanding Mama and Wife

If you know me, or even if you don't I have something to confess. Quite times with the Lord don't come easy for me. It seems there is always a billion other things to do or something more fun. But lately God has really broken my heart to begin taking time every day to spend with Him. So I have made it my goal to fill up at least two pages of my prayer journal every day and spend time reading His word. 

So, today I sat down and wrote in my journal. And my prayer has been for God to make me into a woman after His own heart. Boy, is He doing just that! 

I am reading the devotional "A Mom After God's Own Heart" and its awesome! I read a devotion today about being a remarkable woman. I also prayed recently for the Lord to mold me into a Proverbs 31 mama and wife. After I read my devotion I opened up my bible to a random spot. This is what I saw:

"A Woman of Understanding, Women in God's Design." It just so happened to be in 1 Samuel 25:1-35. That was the little footnote. I read the footnote about how Abigail's life was hard with a husband who was "harsh" and "evil". Yet she was a faithful servant to the Lord and to her husband! Boy, did I feel some conviction there. 
I then went on to read about Abigail and her life with her husband, Nabal. I was blown away by her understanding and patience that she had with her husband who treated her terribly! Also, her faith in the Lord. Then I came to realize that no matter how someone else is acting, my faith and trust in the Lord has to stay steadfast. And in those moments when I want to scream at Malachi or Matthew, that I am called to be an understanding mommy and wife. Patience is not an easy thing but when you look at Abigail she shows the perfect example of true love and obedience. Through all that her husband had done she spared his life. She picked up the mess he had made. 

That is our job as a spouse! We are called to love each other no matter what we have done. Marriage isn't easy. But I think if we live by Abigail's example we can have a successful marriage.

I can also look at this as a parent too. I know that it can get frustrating cleaning up mess after mess that your child(ten) has made. But as mom's that's in the job title. And in the end God will reward us greatly with something awesome like Abigail who rewarded with a wonderful husband in the end! 

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