Monday, January 19, 2015

He's Perfect

God has been doing a lot in my life lately. And even though it hasn't been easy I am thankful for His provision. 
I have been doing a bible study on growing patience and this morning it was about waiting on the Lord. It gave me such peace. 
*The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it.* Psalm 145:15
When things are going right in my life I tend to forget where those blessings come from sometimes. It gave me such a new peace to be reminded that everything comes in the Lord's timing. He gives us what we need exactly when we need it. This weekend he provided us with a second car. For free. What an awesome God Matthew and I serve. We are beyond blessed as we have been praying about this for quite some time. And its perfect timing since baby Elli will be here any day now! 
As I approach my due date I am a bit anxious. I don't know what is going to happen. Whether I will have the vaginal delivery that I so desire to have or if I will have to have another cesearean section. But what I do know is that God is in control and whatever does happen it will be okay. His timing is never wrong. 
Matthew and I have gotten A LOT of grief from many people about having another baby so soon. We even had some tell us that this is the "wrong" time. But if there's one thing I know for sure its that God's timing is never wrong. Elianna is not a mistake nor is she coming at the wrong time. It gives me such peace to know that God knew her before there was time. He had her life already planned out.

*You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.* Psalm 139:13 

This verse holds a whole new meaning to me as I am approaching the birth of this child. She is special and she is blessed. And God created her for a reason. For most of my pregnancy I've been stuck in this mind set that Matthew and I should have been more careful in spacing our children out. But not anymore. His timing is perfect no matter what anyone else says or thinks. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Here I am at 35 weeks pregnant and I'm exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I feel so drained. I feel like I'm suffocating. Malachi and I were sick with the flu a few weeks ago and now we are both sick again with a nasty cough and fever and such. That means that little man is not sleeping very well which means I'm not either.
It seems as though this season of trial is never ending. I know God promises He will bring good out of every situation for those who love Him and I know that He is there. But knowing something and truly believing something in your heart is two different things. It could also be hormones making me feel this way but whatever it is, I hate it. And I'm praying that I can just choose joy because we do have a choice. Whenever I begin to feel frustrated or sad I just try to remember all of the things that we do have that God has given us and I try to remain thankful to the Lord for His provision. It's awesome because the other day I was praying and I prayed that God would provide us with some dog food since we really don't have much right now to spend on dog food for our dog. And He did. He used dog food to encourage me and show me that He cares, even about little things like that. 
I have 5 more weeks left before my due date and 6 more before Elianna is here for sure. We have finally decided on her full name and it will be Elianna Claire Reilly. Elianna means "God has answered me". And Claire is Matthew's mother's middle name. We are so excited to meet the little miracle growing inside of me. She is already so loved.